“Over many miles, both nautical and on land, shared with Tom over the years, I have been a fortunate beneficiary of his masterful planning and uncanny ability to grasp and adapt to local nuances – as days in foreign lands, or harbors, seem to go by almost effortlessly while taking in the local scene and culture.
Dick continues, “Travelling with Tom has led to a new appreciation for travelling just a little bit further, exploring a little more and engaging in “local” culture – i.e. heading “Down the block, Around the corner” more

often. Sharing in his adventurous spirit and quest to seek out and explore new and old areas of the world while being afforded the opportunity to sail, ride, walk or hike alongside Tom as he comfortably intertwines himself with the local population, has been an inspiring treat in my life. From the foredeck of a sailboat in the Caribbean, to the banks of the Arno in Florence, Italy to icy near gale force winds on an Irish golf course hard along the North Atlantic, it has truly been a rewarding pleasure.
“While not being able to keep the active travel schedule of dear brother Tom, I enjoy sharing in his other journeys vicariously as I read over his many tales and travel reviews. Keep it up!”
“Next up – back to the BVI and a week along the coast of Belize.”